Virgin hair is the healthiest and purest hair available anywhere in the world, cut straight from one consenting donor. To maximize results, you will need to look after your hair extensions as you would your own. The following steps will ensure your hair looks fabulous for a long time.

CO-WASHING & WASHING YOUR VIRGIN HAIR – (Applies To Straight & Wavy Hair)

We recommend you wash your hair with a quality nourishing conditioner before your first installation. This process will provide your hair with moisture and shine and help to rehydrate your new hair.

Once installed we recommend washing your extensions every 2 weeks or as and when required. This will strip it of any unwanted grease and dust particles and restore it back to its original glory.

  • Wash your hair with a good quality sulfate-free shampoo. Your hair extensions should not be handled rigorously and should always be washed in a downwards motion.
  • Conditioning your hair is a must. Use a good quality conditioner to keep your new hair soft, healthy, and shiny.
  • Always comb through with a wide-toothed comb to avoid damage.
  • Leave to dry naturally. If you decide to blow dry your hair, use a good quality heat protector and dry on low or cool heat.


Our Curly Virgin Hair Extensions will give you a natural, full of body luxurious look, however, they take more maintenance than our straight or wavy textures. Unlike the other textures, Curly Hair requires extra moisture to ensure that the hair is left conditioned and soft with curls defined.

Washing and Conditioning

  • Use a moisture-rich shampoo and conditioner. Use a sulfate-free shampoo in a downward motion ensuring that you do not rub the hair together to prevent breakage.
  • Give your hair a deep condition after shampoo and use a wide-tooth comb, paddle brush, or tangle teezer to detangle the hair while the conditioner is still in the hair.
  • Rinse thoroughly and spray hair with a leave-in conditioner and allow hair to dry naturally.

Defining the curls

Dryness can lead to frizzy curls. Moisture is the key to maintaining Curly hair regularly. 

  • Use a leave-in conditioner or light curl defining mist/crème/milk to add moisture and define the curls (in the spray form is better suited as it spreads evenly). Style using a wide-tooth comb or use your fingers to comb through your hair.
  • Avoid heavy styling products such as gels as they can weigh down the curls and lead to matting/tangling.

General maintenance

  • Bleaching and lightening the hair will change the texture of the hair and loosen the curl pattern. Ensure to hydrate and moisturize the hair after processing it with color.
  • Sleep in a satin bonnet or use a satin pillowcase to reduce friction and drying out the extensions.


Elles Hair is 100% Virgin Hair, therefore it can be dyed, bleached, relaxed, or permed. We strongly recommend that all chemical alterations be done professionally. Should you decide to try it yourself, we strongly recommend that you carry out a strand test before any chemical processing. Please also note that putting your virgin hair through any chemical process may change the texture, pattern, and/or quality of the hair.

Note that relaxing, perming, coloring, lifting, or otherwise processing Elles Hair voids all refund or exchange guarantees.


Lace and silk systems are extremely delicate as each strand of hair is hand-tied onto the lace base. As a result of this, it is important that you refrain from excessive pulling, scratching, and tugging of the hair as this will result in the hair strands being released from the base.

Due to its delicate nature, its main purpose is for occasional use. Consistent use can reduce the longevity of your lace system.  Lace systems are expected to last between 1-3 months depending on usage and how it is maintained.

When washing your lace/silk system, try not to get any shampoo or conditioner on the roots as this may contribute to the delicate workmanship being undone, resulting in shedding or balding.

We do not recommend bleaching/plucking hairs from your lace or silk system as this contributes to ripping and tearing of the base and also shedding of the hairs. 

Maintenance of Customised Lace Systems (Frontals)

Our Elles Hair Lace Frontals come already customized (with baby hair/plucked to achieve a natural-looking scalp. However, we understand that extra customization may be required to achieve the ultimate natural-looking hairstyle

The Customisation process involves bleaching the knots, plucking a natural hairline, and tinting the lace color to best match your skin tone.  This process ensures that your lace frontal looks as un-dectable as possible but in turn reduces the longevity of the frontal.

Lace Frontal Maintenance tips:

After installation a temporary holding gel “Got2be” may be used to secure your Frontal.  This hold is temporary and re-application of the gel may be required to keep the installation secure.

  1. Lift/fold back the lace and clean of the excess gel and makeup from the forehead using warm water and a small amount of shampoo
  2. Apply the holding product along the hairline/forehead from ear to ear and leave until it becomes tacky
  3. Place the Frontal on the tacky Gel and press down firmly. Secure with a scarf and blow dry on medium heat until dry


When installing weft hair we suggest you sew around the weft rather than through it, as sewing through the weft damages the construction and weakens it which often results in shedding.

Installing lace/silk systems can be done with glue or sewing, it takes technique and should be done by a professional to avoid damage to the system.

Use a small amount of styling products as and when needed as too much will weigh down your hair giving it a limp, greasy finish.

To preserve the style of your hair, your hair should be wrapped, braided, twisted, rolled, or pin curled according to the texture to prevent tangling.

Cotton pillowcases can dry out the hair. We recommend sleeping wearing a satin/silk scarf.

It is important not to leave your installs in any longer than 6 weeks to avoid product build-up, matting, or tangling of your own hair. Remember to always look after your natural hair.

Be sure to protect it with a quality heat protector. For longer-lasting results after styling, apply a little amount of hairspray.